My last post helped me process my son’s sports injury and the mental toll it’s taken on him—and on us as parents. Since then, we’ve been working through his physical therapy, a slow, challenging journey to retrain his knee and mind to trust again.
My son, not known for patience, initially thought he could rush the process. But his physical therapist set him straight: this is a marathon, not a sprint, and pushing too hard too soon could lead to a major setback. Thankfully, he’s taken that to heart, driven by the vision of a triumphant return to the field.
The entrepreneurial journey is similar: it requires patience, endurance, and resilience. Shortcuts rarely pay off in the long run, and quick success can be just as quick to disappear. Stay the course, adapt as needed, and play the long game. In the end, the payoff is that much sweeter for the struggle.Until next time,