
Top Traits of a Successful Dentist: What You Need to Know

The Foundation of a Successful Dentist

A successful dentist embodies more than just technical skill and clinical knowledge. They incorporate key habits into their everyday practice that drive both personal and professional growth. As Stephen Covey emphasizes in his influential book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, these habits shape our deeds, which in turn shape our character. For dentists, this character is reflected in how they manage their practices amidst the rapidly changing landscape of the dental industry.

Key Habits of a Successful Dentist:

  1. Put Important Things First: Prioritize essential tasks and delegate others.
  2. Get the Right People in Place: Hire carefully to build a strong team.
  3. Learn Basic Marketing: Engage with your community and grow your patient base.
  4. Be a Leader: Inspire and guide your team.
  5. Stay Updated: Continuously improve your practice with the latest technology and methods.
  6. Balance Work and Life: Ensure long-term career satisfaction.

The importance of these habits cannot be overstated, especially as the nature of dental practices evolves. Smaller “hometown” practices are becoming rare, being replaced or bought out by larger Dental Support Organizations (DSOs). These shifts, along with new technologies for clinical practice and business management, underscore the need for dentists to adapt continuously.

Having hands-on experience is crucial. As the saying goes, “Who can possibly know what it takes to run a successful practice unless they’ve been there, done that?” This is why understanding and implementing these habits is vital for emerging and established dentists alike.

I’m Jared Duckett, a partner at Duckett Ladd, LLP, where we help dentists achieve the business success they deserve. With years of experience in guiding dental professionals through the complexities of practice management, I’ve seen how these habits can transform careers.

Infographic: Key Traits of a Successful Dentist - successful dentist infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Put Important Things First

For a successful dentist, prioritizing tasks is a game-changer. When you’re juggling patient care, practice management, and personal life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Stephen Covey‘s principle of “Put Important Things First” is crucial here.


Start by identifying what’s urgent and important. For instance, ensuring patient privacy and updating your billing system are non-negotiable. These tasks directly impact your practice’s credibility and efficiency.

Example: Dr. Sarah, a dentist in a growing practice, was overwhelmed by numerous tasks. By prioritizing patient privacy controls and updating her billing system, she saw a significant improvement in patient trust and financial accuracy.


You can’t do it all. Focus on what only you can do—clinical care. Delegate tasks like billing, marketing, and communications to your team or a Dental Support Organization (DSO). This allows you to concentrate on providing excellent patient care.

Tip: Don’t try to tackle more than two items on your list by yourself at once. Use your team effectively.

Patient Privacy

In today’s digital age, patient privacy is paramount. Implementing robust privacy controls protects your patients and your practice. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about building trust.

Fact: Patient privacy breaches can lead to severe legal consequences and loss of patient trust. A secure system is a must.

Billing System

An efficient billing system ensures smooth financial operations. It reduces errors, speeds up payments, and improves cash flow. Investing in a good system pays off in the long run.

Case Study: Dr. John switched to an automated billing system and saw a 30% reduction in payment delays. His practice’s cash flow improved, allowing him to reinvest in new technology.

Dental Support Organization (DSO)

Consider partnering with a DSO to handle non-clinical tasks. DSOs provide support services like HR, marketing, and finance, freeing you up to focus on patient care.

Quote: “Delegating responsibilities to a DSO allows you to put important things first,” says Chris Lewandowski, DDS. “You stay focused on what matters most—your patients.”

By putting important things first, you set a strong foundation for your practice. Prioritize, delegate, and ensure essential systems are in place. This habit not only reduces stress but also improves your practice’s efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities - successful dentist infographic 4<em>facts</em>emoji_blue

Next, we’ll discuss the importance of building a strong team.

Get the Right People in Place

Building a successful dental practice starts with having the right team. Here’s how to ensure you hire the best people for your practice.

Detailed Job Descriptions

A detailed job description is essential. It outlines the role, responsibilities, and expectations. This clarity helps attract suitable candidates and sets the stage for their success.

Example: Dr. Emily, a dentist in Boston, found that detailed job descriptions helped her attract candidates who were better fits for her practice. This reduced turnover and increased team efficiency.

Use Action Words and Include a Salary Range

Make your job listings stand out by using action words. Phrases like “lead,” “manage,” and “coordinate” can excite potential hires. Including a salary range also attracts serious candidates.

Tip: A clear, engaging job listing with a salary range shows transparency and can attract high-quality applicants.

Review Resumes Carefully

Don’t just skim resumes for skills. Look for red flags like frequent job changes or gaps in employment. These can indicate potential issues.

Fact: According to Dentistry IQ, careful resume reviews help avoid hiring mistakes that could harm your practice.

Conduct Phone Interviews

Phone interviews are a great way to get to know the person behind the resume. They save time and help you gauge if the candidate is a good fit before a face-to-face meeting.

Tip: Use this opportunity to assess communication skills and enthusiasm.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

During interviews, ask open-ended questions to get candidates talking. This helps you understand their thought processes and how they handle situations.

Example: Questions like “Can you describe a challenging situation you faced at work and how you resolved it?” reveal problem-solving skills and attitude.

Conduct Pre-Employment Testing

Modern assessment tools can help you find the best fit for your practice. Tests can evaluate skills, personality traits, and cultural fit.

Case Study: Dr. Lin used pre-employment testing and found that it significantly improved the quality of hires, resulting in a more cohesive and efficient team.

Check References

Always check references. This step is crucial to verify past performance and gain insights into the candidate’s work ethic and reliability.

Quote: “Checking references is an absolute must these days!” says Sally McKenzie, CEO.

Checking references is an absolute must these days! - Sally McKenzie, CEO - successful dentist infographic simple-quote-gray

By following these steps, you can build a strong, reliable team that supports your practice’s growth and success.

Next, we’ll discuss the value of seeking advice from experienced professionals.

Get Advice from People Who Have Been There Before

One of the best ways to become a successful dentist is by learning from those who have already walked the path. Seeking advice from veteran dentists can help you make informed decisions and avoid common mistakes.


Finding a mentor can be a game-changer. Mentors provide guidance, support, and valuable insights from their own experiences. They can help you steer the complexities of running a dental practice.

Quote: “A good mentor can help you sound out ideas, make informed decisions, and avoid common mistakes in starting and running a practice,” says Dentistry IQ.

Veteran Dentists

Veteran dentists have a wealth of knowledge. They’ve seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learning from their successes and failures can give you a head start.

Example: A seasoned dentist with over 30 years of experience shared his insights on managing patient relationships and building a loyal client base. His advice helped many young dentists improve their patient care.

Informed Decisions

Making informed decisions is crucial for success. Mentors and experienced professionals can provide the information you need to make the best choices for your practice.

Fact: According to Forbes, doctors with successful business models should ensure their methods are preserved and built upon, not remade.

Avoid Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from others’ mistakes can save you time, money, and stress. Veteran dentists can share common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Case Study: A young dentist avoided a costly investment in outdated equipment by consulting with a mentor who had made that mistake in the past. This saved her practice thousands of dollars.

By leveraging the experiences of those who have been there before, you can set yourself up for a successful and rewarding career in dentistry.

Next, let’s explore how going beyond basic customer service can help grow your practice.

Go Beyond Customer Service

Being a successful dentist means more than just providing excellent dental care. It’s about creating a welcoming and positive experience for your patients. Here are some key strategies to go beyond basic customer service:

Smile and Use a Calm Tone

A simple smile can make a big difference. When you smile, you put your patients at ease. It shows you care and are approachable.

Using a calm tone of voice is equally important. It helps patients feel comfortable, especially when they are anxious or upset. Always aim to stay calm, even in challenging situations.

Listen and Understand

Listening is more than just hearing words. It’s about truly understanding what your patients are saying. When you listen carefully, you can address their concerns more effectively.

Tip: Repeat back what the patient says to show you understand. For example, “So, you’re worried about the pain during the procedure. Let’s talk about how we can manage that.”

Build Rapport

Building rapport with patients helps them feel connected to you. When patients trust you, they are more likely to follow your advice and return for future visits.

Fact: According to Dentistry IQ, knowing your patients on a deeper level helps build this rapport. Ask about their lives, interests, and families.

Marketing and Patient Demographics

Understanding your patient demographics can guide your marketing efforts. Know where your patients live, their age groups, and their needs.

Example: If most of your patients live in a specific neighborhood, consider advertising in that area. You can also ask for testimonials from patients in that neighborhood to attract more locals.

Offer Professional Tooth Whitening

Many patients try DIY tooth whitening at home. Educate them on the benefits of professional tooth whitening. It’s safer and often more effective.

Case Study: One practice saw a 20% increase in tooth whitening services after educating patients about the risks of DIY methods and the benefits of professional treatments.

Flexible Office Hours

Busy professionals often struggle to find time for dental appointments. Offering flexible office hours, like early mornings or lunch hours, can make a big difference.

Tip: Survey your patients to find out the most convenient times for them. Adjust your schedule based on their feedback.

Next, let’s dig into the importance of learning basic marketing to attract new patients and grow your practice.

Learn Basic Marketing

To be a successful dentist, you need more than clinical skills. You also need to attract and retain patients. This is where basic marketing comes in. Let’s explore the essentials.

Build a Strong Website

Your website is your digital front door. It should be attractive, easy to steer, and mobile-friendly. Work with a professional web designer to ensure it meets these standards.

Tip: Include essential information like your services, office hours, and contact details. Use high-quality images and patient testimonials to build trust.

Establish a Social Media Presence

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching new patients. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to share updates, educational content, and promotions.

Example: Post short videos on dental tips or behind-the-scenes looks at your practice. This helps build a connection with your audience.

Develop a Referral System

Word-of-mouth is one of the most effective marketing methods. Encourage your satisfied patients to refer friends and family.

Tip: Offer incentives like discounts or free services for referrals. Make it easy for patients to refer others by providing referral cards or a simple online form.

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your website rank higher in search results. This makes it easier for potential patients to find you.

Fact: According to Duckett Ladd, keywords related to your services and location can significantly improve your search rankings. Consider hiring an SEO expert to help with this.

Use Traditional Advertising

Don’t overlook traditional advertising methods. Direct mail, local newspapers, and community bulletin boards can still be effective.

Example: Send out postcards with special offers or information about new services. Participate in community events and sponsor local sports teams to get your name out there.

Engage in Community Involvement

Being active in your community builds your reputation and shows you care. Participate in local events, offer free dental check-ups, or give talks on oral health.

Case Study: A dental practice that regularly participated in community health fairs saw a 30% increase in new patient appointments.

Craft Effective Messages

Your marketing messages should address the needs and concerns of your patients. Use simple, clear language and focus on the benefits of your services.

Example: Instead of saying, “We offer dental cleanings,” say, “Keep your smile bright and healthy with our thorough dental cleanings.”

Next, let’s explore how being open to change can help grow your dental practice.

Change to Grow

Growing your dental practice involves more than just doing the work. Initially, it’s about laying the groundwork: building your website, getting listed in directories, and asking for referrals. But eventually, you’ll reach a plateau where the same tactics won’t yield the same results.

The key to breaking through this plateau is being open to change. Successful dentists understand that what works for a small practice may not work for a larger one. They adapt and plan for growth.

Accept Change

DeAnn McClain emphasized this in a 2014 interview. She said:

“All dentists should be open, positive, and mentally flexible. To thrive in a DSO environment, affiliating dentists need to accept change for the sake of progression, value or adopt a strong leadership mentality, and possess a continuing commitment to best serving their communities.”

Adopt a Leadership Mentality

To grow, you must also develop a leadership mentality. This means being willing to guide your team through changes and motivate them to accept new strategies.

Example: A small practice might only need a simple billing system. As you grow, you might need to implement a more sophisticated system and train your staff to use it efficiently.

Consider a DSO Environment

Many dentists find that joining a Dental Support Organization (DSO) helps them manage growth more effectively. DSOs provide administrative support, allowing you to focus on patient care.

Case Study: Dentists who partnered with DSOs often report higher satisfaction and growth in their practices. The support allows them to implement new technologies and marketing strategies without the administrative burden.

Plan for the Future

Dentists like Dr. Scott and Kelli Fisher illustrate the importance of planning. They started small, but through careful financial management and planning, they grew their practice significantly. By reinvesting in their practice and adapting to changes, they increased their collections from $500,000 in 1998 to $3,000,000 in 2021.

Next, let’s explore the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for long-term success.

Keep a Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is crucial for long-term success as a dentist. It’s not just about working fewer hours; it’s about creating a balance that allows you to engage clients, make fewer mistakes, and have a happier career.

Engage Clients

Dentists who maintain a good work-life balance are more engaged with their patients. When you are not overworked, you have the energy and focus to provide excellent care. This leads to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction rates.

Example: Dr. John Fenn, BDSc, emphasizes the importance of genuinely caring about people. He says:

“If you care mainly about the money, your patients will know that and stay away. If you can balance both of those attributes, you can be a successful dentist and a successful person.”

Make Fewer Mistakes

A balanced life reduces stress, which in turn helps you make fewer mistakes. Stress can cloud your judgment and affect your performance. By ensuring you have time to relax and recharge, you can maintain a higher level of precision and care in your work.

Chris Lewandowski, DDS, shares his experience:

“In the early days of my career, I can’t tell you how many times I’d sit down at my desk and start work by checking my email. Two hours would pass, and I’d gotten nothing done. Well, not today! My best advice is to avoid opening your inbox at all and work from a task list so you may stay focused and avoid the distractions waiting in your inbox.”

Happier Career

Being happy in your career involves more than just enjoying the work. It’s about having the time to pursue personal interests and spend time with family. Dentists who maintain a healthy work-life balance report higher levels of job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

Jon Aronson, a retired dentist, advises:

“Find hobbies that you enjoy, learn to play an instrument, and that will help with the stress and also help to keep your hand(s) learning new things. Remember you have a family and spend time with your family.”

Professional and Personal Thriving

At Duckett Ladd, they have found that dentists who balance their work and personal lives are more successful. They offer services that allow dentists to focus on patient care while thriving both professionally and personally.

Case Study: Dentists working with Duckett Ladd often report that they can focus more on their patients and less on administrative tasks, leading to better patient care and personal satisfaction.

Implementing Work-Life Balance

To implement a work-life balance, start by setting boundaries. Allocate specific times for work and personal activities. Make use of delegation to free up your time for more important tasks.

Example: Rhonda R. Savage, DDS, recommends letting your support staff help with tasks like reviewing health history and taking X-rays. This allows you to focus on what you do best: providing excellent dental care.

Essential Qualities of a Successful Dentist

Comfortable with Close Personal Interaction

A successful dentist spends a lot of time with their face and hands close to patients’ faces. Being comfortable with this level of personal interaction is crucial. Patients can be nervous or self-conscious, especially if they have bad breath or dental issues. A dentist who can handle these situations with ease will make patients feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Easy to Talk To

Building rapport with patients is essential. Successful dentists are easy to talk to and make an effort to learn about their patients on a personal level. This helps put patients at ease and makes them feel cared for as individuals, not just as dental cases.

Example: Dr. Ada S. Cooper, a dentist in New York City, emphasizes the importance of being approachable:

“Patients have to know that dentists are doing what’s best for them.”


Patients need to trust their dentist, especially since dental procedures often involve sharp instruments and can cause anxiety. A trustworthy dentist ensures that patients feel safe and confident in their care.


Dentistry requires precision. The mouth is a small, intricate space, and even the slightest error can cause significant issues. Successful dentists pay close attention to details to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.


Dentistry is often described as an art. It involves not only maintaining oral health but also enhancing the appearance of teeth and smiles. A good dentist combines technical skill with an artistic touch to create beautiful, natural-looking results.


Many dentists run their own practices, requiring strong leadership skills. They must lead a team of dental hygienists, technicians, and administrative staff, making high-level business decisions while ensuring excellent patient care.

Excited About Dentistry

Passion for the profession is a hallmark of a successful dentist. They are fascinated by the mouth and its connections to overall health and enjoy the work they do every day.

Passionate About Providing Care

Successful dentists often go beyond their practice to help those in need. Many participate in community service, providing care to people who might not otherwise have access to dental treatment.

Caring and Concerned

A good dentist is always concerned about how their patients feel during procedures. They communicate clearly during every step, ensuring patients are comfortable and pain-free.

Example: Dr. Jarrett L. Manning, also known as the “Smile Creator,” highlights the importance of a comforting environment:

“There’s nothing like the power of a smile and the impact that a smile has on an individual’s mental state and mood.”

Good Communicator

Effective communication is key. A successful dentist can explain complex dental procedures in simple terms, helping patients understand their treatment options and what to expect.

Case Study: Dr. John Fenn emphasizes that communication builds trust:

“If you care mainly about the money, your patients will know that and stay away. If you can balance both of those attributes, you can be a successful dentist and a successful person.”

Next, let’s explore the habits that contribute to becoming a successful dentist.

8 Habits of a Successful Dentist


Knowledge is the foundation of any successful dentist. Dentistry is a complex field that requires a deep understanding of various specialties. A dentist must stay updated with the latest advancements and continually educate themselves. But knowledge isn’t just about knowing procedures; it’s about understanding the needs of the dental profession.

Example: Dr. Loren Anderson, DDS, noted the importance of keeping patients informed to retain them. He said, “I lost maybe 20% of the patients simply because they didn’t know me.”


Building connections with patients is crucial. Patients need to feel they are more than just a number. Taking the time to know them personally can make them more comfortable and likely to return.

Tip: Ask personal questions and add personal touches during appointments to build a relationship.


A successful dentist must exhibit strong leadership skills. They lead their team and set the tone for the practice. Good leaders inspire their staff and ensure everyone works towards the same goals.

Quote: Dr. William W. Oakes, DDS, shared, “One of the greatest problems I had was not staying focused on my plan. My practice would be doing great, then I would attend a weekend course and try to change everything.”


Communication is key in dentistry. Dentists need to explain complex procedures in simple terms. Clear communication builds trust and helps patients feel more at ease.

Case Study: Dr. John Fenn emphasized, “If you care mainly about the money, your patients will know that and stay away. If you can balance both of those attributes, you can be a successful dentist and a successful person.”


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges. Dentistry can be stressful, and unexpected situations will arise. A successful dentist must stay calm and handle these situations effectively.

Example: Dr. Richa Singhania stresses the importance of practicing ethically and genuinely to build trust and resilience in patient relationships.


Becoming a successful dentist requires commitment. This means being dedicated to continuous learning and improvement, and being fully committed to the steps needed to achieve career goals.

Tip: Break down your goals into actionable steps to track your progress effectively.


Cooperation with staff and patients is essential. A successful dentist fosters a cooperative environment where everyone works together to meet common goals.

Fact: Cooperation among staff ensures that the practice runs smoothly and patients receive the best care possible.

Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is the backbone of a successful dental practice. It means being dedicated, reliable, and willing to go the extra mile—even after regular business hours.

Quote: Dr. Vladimir Chistoprudov advises, “Proactive dentists are those who are open-minded to new techniques and procedures.”

Next, let’s move on to the frequently asked questions about successful dentists.

Frequently Asked Questions about Successful Dentists

What defines a successful dentist?

A successful dentist is defined by a combination of clinical skills, personal attributes, and business acumen. Here are some key traits:

  • Clinical Expertise: A successful dentist stays updated with the latest advancements in dental technology and procedures. As Dr. Zia advises, “Be hungry for knowledge, constantly update yourself with the latest techniques and materials used in dentistry.”

  • Patient-Centric Approach: Prioritizing the well-being of patients over profits is crucial. Dr. John Fenn emphasizes, “If you care mainly about the money, your patients will know that and stay away.”

  • Effective Communication: Good dentists explain complex procedures in simple terms to make patients feel at ease. Dr. Ada S. Cooper highlights the importance of being “honest, ethical, and compassionate.”

  • Leadership and Team Building: Successful dentists lead their team effectively and foster a positive work environment. Dr. William W. Oakes noted, “One of the greatest problems I had was not staying focused on my plan.”

  • Community Involvement: Engaging in community outreach helps build a positive reputation and shows that you care about the well-being of your community.

Who is the most famous dentist?

While there are many notable dentists, Dr. William Thomas Green Morton is often considered one of the most famous. He was an American dentist who first publicly demonstrated the use of inhaled ether as a surgical anesthetic in 1846. His work revolutionized the field of surgery and pain management.

Another well-known figure is Dr. G.V. Black, often referred to as the “Father of Modern Dentistry.” He made significant contributions to dental science, including the development of the Black’s Classification of Caries Lesions, which is still used today.

Who is the highest paid dentist?

Orthodontists and oral surgeons typically rank among the highest-paid dental professionals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for orthodontists was $208,000 or more in 2022. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons also earn similar salaries.

Income can vary based on location, experience, and the type of practice. For instance, dentists who own their practices often have higher earning potential compared to those who work as associates.

Next, let’s dive deeper into the essential qualities of a successful dentist.


At Duckett Ladd, we understand that growing a successful dental practice involves more than just excellent clinical skills. It requires a strategic approach to business management, patient care, and community engagement. Our custom business solutions are designed to help dentists steer these complexities and achieve sustainable growth.

Custom Business Solutions

We offer custom solutions to meet the unique needs of your dental practice. From financial planning and payroll services to tax preparation and strategic growth consulting, our team of experts is dedicated to helping you run your practice more efficiently. We take care of the business side, so you can focus on what you do best—providing exceptional dental care.

Dental Practice Growth

Growing a dental practice is not a one-size-fits-all process. It requires a deep understanding of market trends, patient demographics, and effective marketing strategies. Our dental practice growth services are designed to help you attract new patients, retain existing ones, and expand your services. We provide actionable insights and proven strategies to help you reach your growth goals.

Extensive Experience

With years of experience working exclusively with dental practices, we have the expertise to guide you through every stage of your practice’s development. Our team understands the unique challenges and opportunities in the dental industry, and we leverage this knowledge to provide you with the best possible solutions.

Effective Growth Plans

Effective growth plans are essential for long-term success. We work closely with you to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your vision and goals. Whether you’re looking to expand your practice, improve patient satisfaction, or increase profitability, we provide the tools and support you need to succeed.

In conclusion, being a successful dentist goes beyond clinical skills. It involves effective communication, strong leadership, and a commitment to continuous improvement. At Duckett Ladd, we’re here to support you every step of the way with our custom business solutions and experience in dental practice growth. Contact us today to learn how we can help your practice thrive.

Learn more about our dental practice growth services.


Bet You Didn’t Learn These 5 Things in Dental School…

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