
Should You Hire a Dental Office Manager For Your Business?

Demand for dental services has never been higher, and enormous growth is projected in the coming years for the dental industry. 

Nevertheless, the dental field is full of uncertainty. Public health crises, economic downturns, and staffing turmoil are concerns for every employer, but these challenges have been especially acute in healthcare. 

As a dental practice owner, it’s easy to feel like you’re spreading yourself too thin. Between providing great care, managing staff, and running your business operations, you have a lot to handle. 

Medical professionals, especially those who own their own practices, are driven and resilient. However, every individual has a max capacity. 

To help your practice run as smoothly and profitably as possible, consider hiring a dental office manager. 

What is a Dental Office Manager?

An office manager oversees the staff and operations of a business. 

An effective dental office manager helps a practice owner maintain continuity of services and ensures that all aspects of the business are attended to. 

Along with facilitating patient care, a manager may assume a leadership role for any of the following aspects of your business:

  • Financial operations
  • Human resources
  • Payroll
  • Hiring and firing
  • Training 

The role of an office manager is flexible and can be designed according to your needs and your manager’s strengths. 

Signs that You Should Consider Hiring an Office Manager

As a practice owner, it’s good to be busy. However, you shouldn’t feel like you’re constantly running on empty just to keep the wheels turning. 

Here are the signs that your dental practice might benefit from adding an office manager. 

There’s Not Enough Time for Balancing Patient Care and Business Management

As a dentist, the more you can focus on direct patient care, the better. However, administrative tasks tend to overtake more than their fair share of a dentist’s schedule, especially for those who own their own practices. 

Studies indicate that many medical professionals spend nearly half of their working hours on uncompensated tasks. 

If you find that you’re frequently squeezed between patient care and running your business, an office manager can help you shift your schedule back to a comfortable balance. 

Your Staff Needs More Hands-On Guidance

Your staff needs intensive training, guidance, and support. 

Much of the attention that your employees require is not directly related to patient care and thus does not need to be provided directly by one of the practice’s dentists or owners. 

An office manager can take tasks such as human resources procedures and software training off of your plate, creating a more streamlined and hierarchical business. 

Your Staff’s Internal Capacity Is Maxed Out 

Your team shouldn’t be operating at full capacity on a long-term basis. If any of the following apply, your capacity might be maxed out:

  • Employee turnover is high
  • Staff appears exhausted or overworked
  • It’s difficult to get through the day when an employee has a day off

An office manager can help organize your staff so that employees aren’t constantly performing tasks outside of their core duties. An office manager understands the role that each team member plays and can help to calibrate schedules and workloads accordingly. 

It’s a Struggle to Keep Up With Core Business Requirements 

Have you been struggling to keep up with the fundamental tasks of owning a business? These include: 

  • Paperwork
  • Taxes
  • Payroll
  • Personnel Management

An office manager can assist with or take the lead on these critical aspects of running your practice. 

What to Look for in a Dental Office Manager:

Like any manager, a dental practice manager should be well-rounded and able to understand all aspects of your business. 

Hire an office manager with these qualifications:

  • Understands how to provide a great patient experience
  • Knowledgable of workplace and employment regulations in your state
  • Knowledgeable of dental industry regulations and standards
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Able to master your practice’s software programs 

An ideal office manager is comfortable operating as a team leader and serving as a key link between the practice’s ownership, staff, and patients. 

Get More Practice Management Insights from Duckett Ladd 

Ducket Ladd is a team of CPAs and advisors devoted solely to the dental industry. 

Before you hire an office manager, reach out to our team of dental management experts. We can help you implement a strategic plan that includes well-timed hiring to align with your practice’s growth. 

To learn more, Contact Duckett Ladd today.



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